
IMPACT helps pregnant mum isolated by COVID

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Last updated: 30/07/2020

Lisa is a new mum who won’t forget her time in Bundaberg or the support of IMPACT Community Services in a hurry. The PNG woman recently welcomed a son, Michael, into her life.

Covid19 strikes

Due to COVID, Lisa was stuck thousands of kilometres from her family for Michael’s arrival.

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Lisa had been working on a farm in the Bundaberg region when she discovered she was seven months’ pregnant. With a limited support network in Bundaberg, Lisa was referred into IMPACT’s Positive Start program shortly before Michael’s due date. Support worker Lesley Allen was quickly by her side.

Lesley struck up a close relationship with Lisa, who speaks and understands limited English. Attending antenatal appointments with her, Lesley helped Lisa understand the processes and different consents required as she prepared for the baby’s birth. Lesley also accompanied Lisa to the hospital where Michael was born a healthy 3500 grams in May, this is when Lesley discovered that although Lisa had prepared well for Michael’s arrival, she didn’t have a cot or bassinet for him.

IMPACT provides support for baby Michael

Lisa applied for funding from IMPACT’s Client Benefit Fund to purchase a bassinet, pram and a birth certificate for baby Michael, they’re now making full use of the bassinet and pram!

Lisa said this enabled her to take Michael outdoors, allowing both of them the opportunity to explore their adopted home town.

“Everyone is so friendly here,” Lisa said.

“We go out and about when I take him for a walk.

“I want to go back home, but I’m not sure when I can go.”

She said giving birth to Michael without her family close by was hard.

Click here to find out how Positive Start can help you

Lisa thanked IMPACT for the ongoing support and is now enjoying her time with Michael.

Please note: This website may contain references to, or feature images, videos, and voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have passed away.

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